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Everyday Bliss

Become a Mindvalley Member, and unlock access to Everyday Bliss + Mindvalley’s full curriculum of 50+ transformational programs for as low as $1 a day.

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If you could trade your daily stress and anxiety with unshakable bliss and calm - would you do it?

What if your mental wellbeing was no longer tied to the chaos and uncertainty happening around you every day?

And what if you could embody peace and joy as your effortless default state - without having to sacrifice your performance and productivity?

Many people believe crippling stress is an inevitable side effect of our fast-paced modern life. Some even see it as a necessary ‘evil’ to achieve their career and personal goals.

But being calm, happy and joyful shouldn't be negotiable. In fact it can and should come as naturally to you as breathing.

The Everyday Bliss program with celebrity hypnotherapist Paul McKenna empowers you to reprogram your body and mind’s response to stress - so an unconditionally positive mind, a relaxed body, and a happier and more productive life become your new normal.

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Say Yes To Your Calmer More Resilient Self

The Everyday Bliss program is a system by Paul McKenna that conditions you with a series of his signature NLP and hypnotherapy techniques - leaving you immune to the effects of stress, fear, and anxiety.

By following Paul’s simple steps, you’ll become far better equipped to deal with any form of stress you encounter. And ultimately enjoy a better quality of life, without compromising on your success or productivity.

The beauty of Paul’s process is that it reprograms you - on both a mental and physiological level - to naturally process stress in a healthier, more productive way. All without any willpower struggles or conscious behavioral change.

Paul is a globally renowned pioneer in behavioral change through the scientifically proven power of hypnosis. And through his debut Mindvalley program, you too can now experience his critically acclaimed approach to personal transformation.

The Curriculum

The Everyday Bliss Curriculum

The Everyday Bliss program is a 21-day journey towards lifelong freedom from stress, hosted on the Mindvalley Quests learning platform. In just 15 minutes or less a day, you’ll experience Paul McKenna’s signature tools and techniques for reprogramming your mind and body’s response towards stress.

The beauty of Paul’s techniques is they work instantly, and are effective against any form of stress: whether it’s coming from your work, relationships, or any other source. Just follow Paul’s simple daily guidance, and you’ll gain both immunity from any stress you’re dealing with in the moment - and the means to rise above all future encounters with it.

Paul’s ultimate goal for you through this program is a dramatically improved quality of life. By the end of the 21 days, you’ll have a transformed perspective not just on stress - but on life as a whole. The situations that used to frustrate or upset you will now become opportunities for growth and success. What used to overwhelm you will now excite you. And instead of giving in to fear or anxiety, you’ll finally have the right tools to design a life defined by wellbeing and happiness.

Everyday Bliss on multiple devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Click below to read more

Part 1

Reactivating Your Body’s Stress Reduction System

Part 2

Reinterpreting The Causes Of Your Stress

Part 3

Integrating Learning Into A Healthy Lifestyle

Day by Day Schedule

Week 1 : Beating Stress

Day 1

The Stress That Goes Unnoticed

Day 2

Developing Heart-Brain Coherence to Calm Yourself

Day 3

Overcome Addiction to Busyholism

Day 4

Beat Anxiety With TFT Tapping

Day 5

Reduce Negative Feelings with The Havening Therapy

Day 6

Instantly Transmute Stress Into Inner Calm

Day 7

Summary of Your First Week

Week 2 : Reinterpret the Causes of Your Stress

Day 8

Change Your Stress Levels Through Internal Dialogue

Day 9

Solve Any Problem With Minimal Stress

Day 10

Overcome Internal Limitations

Day 11

Beat Your Worry Story

Day 12

Internal Imagery & Dissasociation

Day 13

Rewire Unpleasant Memories

Day 14

Summary of Your Second Week

Week 3 : Raise Your Resilience

Day 15

The Energy Audit Technique

Day 16

Boost Your Endorphins for Everyday Bliss

Day 17

Exercise for Instant Motivation

Day 18

Retrain Your Brain from 'What's Wrong" to "What's Right"

Day 19

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude

Day 20

The Big Mind Technique

Day 21

Stepping into Your Stress-Free Self

Bonus Included When You Join Today

Bonus #1:

Paul McKenna’s Hypnotic Trance

An ideal complement to the main program and one of Paul’s most popular tools, the Hypnotic Trance is a 25-minute deep relaxation experience. Just press play, and let it reprogram your mind to rise above stress, amplify your inner strength, and bring greater joy to everything you do. Use it a few times a week, or whenever you need a boost to your state of mind.

The Hypnotic Trance

Bonus #2:

3x Pre-Recorded Group Coaching Calls With Paul McKenna

On these pre-recorded group calls, Paul McKenna answers the most important questions you might have, coach you, & expand on
concepts within the program.

Paul writing in a notebook

Bonus #3:

Paul McKenna's Havening Technique

This is a technique for rapid stress-relief, combining touch and eye movement to reset the way your brain interprets and responds to stress.

It's currently used by the military to treat PTSD.

This psychosensory technique will trigger delta brainwaves for deep, restful calm in minutes.

The Havening Technique

Bonus #4:

Paul's interpretation of The Big Mind technique

An incredibly powerful meditation method that guides you towards inner peace in minutes (seasoned meditators often need decades of practice to achieve this).

Experience profound inner peace with this state of the art guided meditation – scientifically proven to work for both seasoned and novice meditators alike.

Paul's interpretation of The Big Mind technique

Paul McKenna On Everyday Bliss

Paul McKenna, PhD., is widely recognized as an international bestselling author whose books have sold over 10 million copies and been translated into 32 languages.

Paul is celebrated for his extraordinary ability to ignite dramatic changes in people’s behaviors and lives, through tools and techniques rooted in fields like hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Paul’s long list of clients includes high-profile entrepreneurs, professionals, and celebrities like Ellen DeGeneres, David Bowie, Roger Daltrey, Daryl Hannah and James Corden.

He regularly appears on various TV shows including The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Rachael Ray, Anderson Live, and many more.

Paul has been long sought-after for his one-on-one hypnotherapy sessions, and is recognized by The Times of London as one of “the world’s most important modern self-help gurus”. He currently holds the title of the United Kingdom’s most successful non-fiction author.

In this new Mindvalley Masterclass you’ll discover the same hypnosis, NLP and psychosensory techniques he has used to help his many high-profile clients to permanently overcome the paralyzing effects of stress, anxiety and fear.

Portrait of Paul McKenna

Trainer Credentials

  • Recognized by The Times of London as one of “the world’s most important modern self-help gurus”.
  • Often works with celebrities to reprogram their habits and performance (e.g. helped Ellen DeGeneres quit smoking through hypnotherapy).
  • One of the world’s most successful self-help authors.
Paul on stage

Paul on the stage of The Best You Expo UK in 2018.

Paul on stage

Paul McKenna applying his techniques in front of an audience.

What Students Say About The Program

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Come membro Mindvalley, avrai l'intera piattaforma di apprendimento Mindvalley disponibile per te in ogni momento. E non è tutto: avrai anche la chiarezza e gli strumenti per elaborare un programma super-personalizzato per raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi in ogni area della tua vita. Questo ti permette di gestire al meglio la tua trasformazione e ti dà la libertà di definire cosa significa per te 'grandezza'.

La tua trasformazione comincia con la Mindvalley Membership

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As a Mindvalley Member, you get access to Everyday Bliss - plus extraordinary transformation for every dimension of your life.

In addition to transforming your stress resilience, level up your career, wealth, health, relationships, and more with Mindvalley’s full curriculum of best-in-class programs:

Each one powered by the world’s best teachers.

Leading-edge learning tools and technology.

And the most passionate personal growth community on the planet.

Mindvalley Membership gives you everything you need to awaken your greatness. And become a better you every day.

Cosa include la tua Mindvalley Membership

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Quante persone sono ricche e di successo, ma malate? O in forma e piene di vita, ma senza un soldo? Con Mindvalley, non avrai bisogno di sacrificare un ambito della tua vita per avere successo in un altro. Otterrai i migliori strumenti e la guida necessaria per brillare in ogni dimensione. Sarai un supereroe al lavoro, con i tuoi figli, la tua famiglia e con il mondo. E avrai davvero ciò che meriti.

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Cosa otterrai:

  • Accesso completo al programma e a tutti i bonus.
  • Accesso completo ai corsi Mindvalley e a tutti i programmi per trasformare ogni ambito della tua vita.
  • Sessioni settimanali live con i migliori coach, autori e personaggi celebri del calibro di Matthew McConaughey, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Maye Musk, e tanti altri. (disponibile in inglese)
  • Accesso completo alle meditazioni Mindvalley, che includono un'ampia selezione di meditazioni audio guidate e ambientali per una profonda trasformazione interiore. (disponibile in inglese)
  • Accesso al social network esclusivo di Mindvalley, attraverso il quale puoi connetterti, condividere le tue conoscenze e crescere con i membri Mindvalley della tua città e del mondo intero.
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