Gut health

Mindvalley presents seminar on Gut Health:

An exclusive 3 hour Live seminar with Naveen Jain, Vishen & Ajit that is free for Mindvalley Members

Decode the secrets of your gut microbiome and unlock a lifetime of peak health, longevity and wellness

In just 3 hours, understand the science of your microbiome, and discover how to live disease-free till your 90s and unlock a lifetime of vibrant health.

Reserve Your Spot

It’s happening on Sunday October 29th

from 9am till 12pm LOS ANGELES | 4pm till 7pm LONDON

What you’ll discover in this seminar:

  1. Why our conventional one-size-fits-all health model is broken

    Are your favorite 'superfoods' secretly sabotaging your health? Journey into the science microbiome and unveil the shocking truth about the one-size-fits-all nutrition model.

  2. Learn about how you can provide what your body needs

    With the personalized nutrition industry pioneers like Naveen Jain on a fire side chat with Vishen, deep dive into how you can heal your body by providing what exactly it needs. .

  3. Your gut: The epicenter of optimal health

    Within your gut lies a thriving universe of trillions of microorganisms, conducting a symphony that impacts everything from your mood to your immunity. Understand how to take care of your microbiome for optimal overall health with Hilary Keiser, biochemist and supplements expert & Dr. Grant Antoine Naturopathic Physician from Viome.

  4. Take Control: Prevent 95% of Chronic Diseases

    Learn how to influence your microbiome through nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle, sleep, and stress management.

  5. The best way to guide your loved ones towards their own health transformations

    You’ll gain Mindvalley’s proven health framework you can use on your spouse, family members, friends, clients, or anyone around you in need of a health breakthrough.

By the end of this seminar…

  1. You’ll gain a profound understanding of how your gut microbiome influences every aspect of your health, mood and immunity, and how a hyper-personalized nutrition solution could unlock a lifetime of optimal health where you never fall sick again.
  2. You'll see a clear path to improving your health, gaining personal freedom, and making a significant impact on your life.
  3. You'll gain the tools to not only elevate your personal well-being but also those around you.

Meet your trainers

Vishen, Founder of Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with millions of students worldwide.

Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent over 15 years exploring the science of personal transformation: including areas like peak performance, optimal health, fitness, and longevity, and the science of shifting one’s identity to facilitate life-changing and lifelong breakthroughs of mind, body, and spirit.


Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome is the visionary behind Viome, one of the world’s most cutting-edge personalized healthcare solutions.

Harnessing the latest research in microbiome science and AI, Viome will allow individuals to tailor their nutrition, supplementation and lifestyle to meet their specific biological needs to not only live a vibrant and healthy life, but also prevent chronic diseases from ever taking root in the first place.

As the founder of Viome, Moon Express, World Innovation Institute, TalentWise, Intelius, and Infospace, Naveen is an intensely curious entrepreneur who is focused on audacious ideas that push humanity forward.

He is the author of the award-winning book, Moonshots: Creating a World of Abundance, the creator of Mindvalley, Masterclass programs, and behind XPrize a global future positive movement and on the board of Singularity University.

Naveen Jain

Ajit Nawalkha, Co-founder of Evercoach, has trained thousands of people to impact lives through the power of coaching. He serves as the master coach for founders and CEOs behind a variety of brands in the human evolution and education space.

He is the co-founder of Evercoach: a global coaching education center that serves over 150,000 coaches around the world. Over the past decade, Ajit has committed to empowering entrepreneurs, coaches, and personal growth students to design lives, businesses, and missions with a greater purpose.
