In Partnership with

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Mindvalley For Youth

Increase your job employability with unlimited access to 4 Mindvalley Quest Programs. All Yours. Instantly.

The World's Best Programs in Every Area of Human Development, Now Yours

Challenges as Youth

Some core challenges that youth are facing globally:

  • 67% of postsecondary students surveyed by Statistics Canada were worried about finding job prospects because of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 80% of Americans agree there is a skills gap, and 35% say it affects them personally
  • 71% of employers value EI over IQ. Workers will see an average shift of 42% in required workplace skills in the period leading up to 2022.
  • 4/5 employees who actively look after their mental health and wellbeing report increased job satisfaction and productivity.
  • According to LinkedIn, creativity is the soft skill most in-demand in the modern workplace.

BridgingTheGap's Future-Ready Certificate Program provides you with accessible skills training resources to help you upskill and increase your job candidacy. It's a self-directed, self-paced online program that enables you to customize your own learning pathway across five future skills content pillars: Human Literacy, Digital Literacy, Emotional Intelligence, Creative Problem Solving and Career Readiness Ventures. Mindvalley for Youth, developed in partnership with BridgingTheGap Ventures, will empower you to strengthen core soft skills under four of the certificate pillars to accelerate your personal and professional success.

Therefore, BridgingTheGap Ventures and Mindvalley offer resources that will help young people like you to overcome the global skills gap and thrive in the changing workplace. You will develop core soft skills (emotional intelligence, leadership, personal mastery) that will make you invaluable as young professionals in a workplace increasingly defined by automation and digitization.

Your Trainers

With Teachers Like These, You'll Never Want To Graduate

Lisa Nichols

Motivational Speaker & Influence Expert

Vishen Lakhiani

Founder of Mindvalley

Jim Kwik

Accelerated Learning Coach

Robin Sharma

#1 Bestselling Author & Leadership Expert

The Curriculums

The Superbrain

The Superbrain Quest is a 30-day daily coaching program with accelerated learning coach Jim Kwik. In just 15 - 20 minutes a day, you’ll join Jim as he guides you through his signature tools and techniques for supercharging your memory, focus, and learning capacity.

The program is designed to be both easy to follow, and instantly transformational. As you progress through the days, you’ll quickly notice tangible changes in your memory and mind power - and the people around you likely will too.

By the end of the program, your ‘Superbrain’ will be permanently installed into you: allowing you to access your newfound inner gifts whenever and wherever you need them.

This course counts towards the Creative Problem Solving pillar of BridgingTheGap Ventures' Future-Ready Certificate Program

Superbrain on various devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Be Extraordinary

The Be Extraordinary Quest guides you through an easy-to-follow 30-day curriculum. Each of these days focuses on a unique aspect of rising up through the 4 stages of human consciousness - allowing you to evolve yourself and grow at a steady, enjoyable pace.

Throughout the Quest, you’ll take a deep look at your personal systems of living and models of reality. You’ll see your own patterns and beliefs in a whole new light. And, you’ll gain 18 empowering tools you can use to instantly upgrade your inner programming, allowing you to permanently transform how you think, perform, and show up in the world.

Once you reach the end, you’ll have all the tools and insights you need to start living from a higher level of consciousness. And finally experience the fullest extent of your personal growth.

This course counts towards the Emotional Intelligence pillar of BridgingTheGap Ventures' Future-Ready Certificate Program.

Be Extraordinary on various devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Speak And Inspire

The Speak & Inspire program gives you everything you need to become a masterful speaker and communicator.

You’ll enjoy Lisa’s loving guidance on each day of the program, as she takes you through a series of carefully designed principles, tools, and techniques designed to awaken the powerful communicator in you.

As you absorb these lessons into your daily interactions, you’ll quickly find your communication skills growing in spades - until in just 30 days, you’re finally speaking your truth powerfully, naturally, and effortlessly.

But you will see results every single day.

This course counts towards the Human Literacy pillar of BridgingTheGap Ventures' Future-Ready Certificate Program.

Speak & Inspire on multiple devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

Hero. Genius. Legend.

The Hero. Genius. Legend. program is an easy-to-follow online curriculum that harnesses the power of Habit Formation to awaken your fullest capacity for performance, productivity, and impact.

Under Robin Sharma’s personal guidance, you’ll experience 66 daily micro-lessons: each one building on the power of daily repetition to systematically upgrade you with the same tools and techniques he uses to condition the world’s top 1% of achievers.

Each of these lessons takes just 10 minutes daily - and by the end of the curriculum, you’ll be permanently transformed for a lifetime of peak performance.

This course counts towards the Career Readiness pillar of BridgingTheGap Ventures' Future-Ready Certificate Program.

Hero Genius Legend on multiple devices

Available on your Personal Computer, Tablet, Smartphone & Apple TV

What You'll Learn

  1. Learn Faster and Better

    Finish a book 3x faster and remember every part of it. Learn a new language in a record time. Master any new skill with ease. Be a better you in every way.

  2. Gain Unbreakable Focus

    Train your brain to stay laser-focus on any task until it's done, without the usual productivity-killing distractions and restlessness.

  3. Freedom from Overwhelm

    You'll learn how to channel your full presence and focus into the present moment, making you far more productive and calm - even in the most challenging situations.

  4. Accelerated Goal Achievement

    Whether its the change you want to see in the world, a problem you want to solve, or even an illness you want to recover from - you'll discover how to turn your thoughts into reality at an accelerated pace.

  5. Uncover and Own Your Voice

    Unearth the unique and powerful message you were born to fearlessly share with the world.

  6. Develop Unshakeable Confidence

    Dust off the nervousness and anxiety, and wow anyone with your cool sense of confidence and authenticity.

  7. Disrupt Negativity

    Deliver a copious amount of small victories that force your brain to think different and to let go of anxiety. You'll never need the outside world approval again.

  8. Sustain your Habit

    Build habit that sticks and train yourself to automatically repeat these habits over time.