Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about upcoming A-Fest

More info about the event event will be shared in early 2024. Join the waiting list to be among the first ones to find out when and where the next event will take place

COVID-19 updates for Colombia

Colombia welcomes both vaccinated and non-vaccinated travelers.

Since May 2022, all international passengers above 18 years of age arriving in Colombia by air must present either:

  • a digital or printed COVID-19 vaccination certificate, with the complete scheme and the last dose given at least 14 days prior to flight departure, or

  • a negative PCR test proof taken within 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled time of embarkment, or

  • a negative antigen test proof taken within 48 hours prior to the originally scheduled time of embarkment.

Everyone must complete Migracion Colombia’s online Check-Mig form within 24 hours before traveling.

For the most up-to-date information and steps for entering Colombia, take a look at the official info here.

Application and tickets

How can I join A-Fest?

What are the requirements to be accepted?

How long does the application process take?

How much are the tickets?

What’s included in your A-Fest ticket?

What is NOT included in the cost of the ticket?

Can I bring my spouse or family member to the event?

Can my spouse join me at the hotel without an A-Fest ticket?

Can I bring my children? How much are the junior tickets?

Do I need to be a Mindvalley member to attend A-Fest?

Refund policy

Refund and Transfer Policy


How can I book a room in the hotel?

What food & beverages will be covered by A-Fest?

Are there any facilities at the hotel for kids?

Is there Wi-Fi at the hotel?

What happens if I do not book my accommodation?

How can I share my room?

COVID-19 travel updates & entry requirements

What are the current COVID-19-related regulations in Colombia for attending A-Fest?

How can I get a visa for Colombia?

Agenda and speakers

What is the theme of A-Fest Ibiza?

What can I expect at A-Fest?

Who is speaking at A-Fest?

What’s the start and end time each day?

Where can I see the full agenda?

Flights and accommodation

What airport should I fly into?

Do I need a visa?

When should I fly in and out?

Packing guide

What is the dress code?

What should I bring with me?

Where can I get more information?

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A-Fest 2024

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