Mindvalley Certified Coach

Why the ‘diet and exercise’ model no longer works and how HoloBody is creating life-changing health & fitness breakthroughs worldwide

Emerging breakthroughs in health science now allow anyone to achieve peak wellness: quickly, permanently, and with far less resistance. Join Mindvalley’s health and fitness leaders as you gain the tools and methods for mastering this new paradigm in holistic health coaching

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60 Minutes


Here's what you’ll discover in the Masterclass

  1. Secrets Of Building a Thriving Coaching Business In The Wellness Space

    People spend trillions each year on weight loss and wellness: yet global health statistics continue to decline. You’ll discover the step-by-step system to creating a thriving, profitable business in the booming holistic health and wellness industry.

  2. The leading edge mind-body practices that instantly sets you apart from the competition

    Effortlessly attract the best clients with a proven coaching methodology that permanently transforms every marker of health and fitness in the human body, and raise it to its fullest potential - from strength and flexibility, to gut health and longevity, and much more.

  3. Rewire the human mind for permanent body transformations

    You’ll address a wide complex of targeted areas that also happen to be some of the top transformations your clients are looking for. Through advanced habit formation and identity shifting techniques, you’ll facilitate a smooth, resistance-free transformation that sticks for life.

  4. Mastering the 5 essential pillars for a peak performing body

    Your body has seven essential needs to look and perform at its best: yet most people completely skip out on more than half of them. If you struggle with excess weight, energy crashes, bloating, pain and discomfort, or even a recurring illness - this checklist may hold your answer.

  5. The best way to guide your loved ones towards their own body transformations

    Health and fitness is the greatest gift you can give someone. In the Masterclass you’ll gain Mindvalley’s proven body transformation facilitation framework you can use on your spouse, family members, friends, clients, or anyone around you in need of a health breakthrough.

What you’ll gain by the end of this masterclass…

You’ll emerge with the revolutionary set of leading-edge tools and exercises that permanently transforms your body, mind and even your soul, for a lifetime of extraordinary health, vitality and joy.

The path to a thriving coaching business and achieving an abundance of freedom and impact will finally be crystal-clear.

For attendees that stay till the end of the webinar:

You will gain access to a limited-time discount to accelerate your journey as a thriving coach in the wellness space.

Meet Your Certification Coaches

Founder of Mindvalley

Vishen is the Founder of Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with millions of students worldwide.

Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent over 15 years exploring the science of personal transformation: including areas like peak performance, optimal health, fitness, and longevity, and the science of shifting one’s identity to facilitate life-changing and lifelong breakthroughs of mind, body, and spirit.

Ronan Diego de Oliveira
Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness

Ronan is Mindvalley’s in-house health and fitness expert, and the co-creator of many of our bestselling fitness programs: including Holobody, 10x Fitness, and Beyond Fasting.

His personal journey started with a path of over-exercising, unhealthy dieting, and eventually major health issues: which became his wake-up call to study a more healthy, sustainable approach to wellness. Today, Ronan engages in leading events and programs to share his discoveries with a global audience.

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Stories of Mindvalley Certified Holobody Coaches