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With Donna Eden
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Stories on Mindvalley
With these simple techniques, you’ll heal, restore, and revitalize yourself naturally.
It takes less than 30 seconds, and you’ll instantly feel better EVERY time you do it.
Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be a healer.
Learn this unusual energetic testing exercise that’ll show you what to eat and what not.
It can’t get any simpler than that! It could be surprisingly hard to dismiss the power of energy medicine after you watch this.
And Much Much More
Donna Eden was born with a gift. That gift is the ability to see a person’s energies – the invisible forces that animate the human body. While some people can simply see Chakras, Donna can see 8 additional systems. However, Donna never used knew she could use these gifts to facilitate healing until her late 20s…
At the age of 27, she was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis and could not move her muscles. She was told by 5 physicians that her organs were breaking down, Western medicine could do nothing more, and she should get her “affairs” in order. This was when she started to take matters into her own hands and began experimenting with her body’s energies. She discovered that she could manipulate the energies that were at the root of her illness, and she eventually healed herself.
Soon it became clear to her that her life’s mission was to make Energy Medicine available to anyone and everyone.
For the past 40 years, Donna has been relentlessly proclaiming, teaching, and demonstrating that our bodies are, in essence, but a collection of energy systems and that there are ways to naturally and systematically reclaim our health and vitality. Donna shares her experiences with Energy Medicine in many of her books, including the New York Times bestseller: ‘The Energies of Love.’
Today, Donna is the leading proponent of Energy Medicine in America. And together with her husband David Feinstein, Ph.D. (a pioneer in Energy Psychology), they run the world’s largest Energy Medicine school. More than 100,000 people have attended their classes (including physicians, nurses, and other mainstream health professionals), and this is just the beginning…
As seen on
Together, Donna and David have pioneered the field of Energy Medicine.
Donna Eden teaching her students how to manipulate their bodies' energies.
Vishen is the founder of the world’s largest personal growth company, Mindvalley. He’s the author of the NY Times bestselling books, “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind” and “The Buddha & the Badass” and is regarded as one of the foremost experts in the field of human development. Vishen and his team of 250 education innovators at Mindvalley have created many of the world’s foremost brands, apps, tools and events in the field of human development including Mindvalley University, Omvana, A-Fest, Soulvana and more. As a host, Vishen uses his experience in learning design to draw out the best ideas and wisdom from each trainer.
Register now to learn from the world’s leading master practitioner of Energy Medicine for free
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